Wednesday, March 07, 2007


The oldest and I ended up having a brief discussion this morning. I don't think I brought it up well--my mind was so focused on it that it came out. But it was about math. I got a shock, though: "I don't know how to apply myself more than I already am." I almost wonder if we need to really track the amount of time she actually works. But it did lead to discussing more and it has been resolved that math will be in the afternoons--her brain works better then. She got some science done this morning, then ended up napping. We went out and when we came back, we did two chapters from To Kill a Mockingbird. I'm going to take a step back and have her do some easy algebra work--build that confidence and attention to detail up and then move back to the algebra work in her textbook. Half of it is review anyhow!

I was reading from the Thomas Edison book I have out and the 12yo said that he'd like to be able to get the chemicals needed to do chemistry--inspiration! He's REALLY enjoying the book. Can totally relate to Tom in so many ways--difficulties with school, doesn't always think through what will happen, interested in moving and in science... So, I'm going to have to see what kind of resources I can dig up for chemistry stuff we can do at home and order the necessary stuff. It'd be a great way to help him see reading and writing and all that as part of daily stuff since he'll have to read the steps and keep track of things.

Both will be gone for the next two days, so I'll be able to put some stuff together. Of course, ds has done almost nothing this whole week which means I should come up with some fun stuff for us to do tomorrow and Friday that will keep him working and progressing with his language arts and math skills.

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