Sunday, March 11, 2007

I want to be done!

I'm hitting a point of not being able to work anymore. I mean work today. I've done... actually, I'm not sure how much. I'd say close to 2 hours this morning, another 2+ hours this afternoon... Plus did some laundry, vacuumed and ran out downtown to get a copy of a dvd before they didn't have any left (I got the last one).

I'm just feeling done. It's 5:40 (internal clock says 4:40) and I've had enough! But I'm not actually done. I have one last math sheet to finish for this week, science to look through (that I don't mind doing in front of the tv tonight or something), To Kill a Mockingbird (read through a few chapters quickly) and I've decided to leave the final part of the French planning for tomorrow morning. I still have to work out a rather detailed school plan, but that's something I can do sitting down with paper and pen. I guess I'm just really sick of being at this computer.

I'm getting off!!!!!


Correne said...

I thought I read something about Sunday being a "day of rest" - or maybe that's Saturday!

Anyway, what DVD did you have to go downtown for?

One Alberta Voice said...

Yeah, yeah, I know, Sunday's supposed to be a day of rest. I could not let this stuff go, though. Even now, I've just done a mad dash to print all kinds of things off and still have to work out the answers to today's math sheets (won't take long, but gotta do it!)

It's a birthday gift for the 15yo. She'll be 16 next Wed. The two Bill and Ted's movies. They only had the 2nd one, unfortunately, even though the online catalogue said they had both. I've ordered the other one and hope it'll arrive by her bday!