Saturday, May 05, 2007

A Blah Week

We didn't get a whole lot done this week. There's just a general lack of energy and all the crummy weather did not help at all! So, it was kind of a relaxed, unschooly week. LOTS of things got printed off for colouring--I'm amazed at the number of hours spent colouring. The 16yo was feeling kind of guilty on Friday, but I said to her, "It's felt good having a break though, hasn't it?" She definitely agreed.

Hopefully, back to the school work on Monday. I'm reading "Positive Discipline in the Classroom" which has a whole bunch of stuff on class meetings. Actually, it's basically all about class meetings. Our schooling seemed to go so much better when we were doing our daily meetings with one or two bigger meetings during the week. The kids were more focused, more motivated. We worked more together rather than me being a constant directress.

I know I've said in the past that I wanted to resume the meetings, but they don't seem to get resumed for more than a couple of days. Why? Tiredness is the main thing I can think of. I really, really don't get enough sleep. Some people can survive well on the sleep I'm getting (6.5-7 hours), but I can't. And on days where it goes below 6 hours, I know better than to attempt to drive. I've started reading a book on insomnia and already I've been doing a bit better with my sleep. I'm still waking up really early (around 5, sometimes earlier), but... a few times this week, I've actually managed to fall back asleep afterwards. That's new! The problem is that while I'm getting maybe an extra 20-30 minutes of sleep, I feel even more tired, although more rested at the same time. I suppose it'll just take me some time to get to the truly well-rested level.


Jane said...

The weather this week was just miserable and it doesn't help to motivate anyone!

I can totally empathise about the lack of sleep...thankfully my new migraine meds also work like sleeping tablets which is just the perfect side effect for me! Without sleep I am just useless all day!

I hope things improve for you all when the weather improves.......

Anonymous said...

Daisy--have you tried any herbs for sleep? Scullcap works like a *charm* for me. Truly love that herb! I have also used chamomile, lemon balm, hops, valerian and others on occassion. Let me know if you need more info....