We've done nothing in terms of actual school work, although dd has continued her reading and writing and drawing. Well, and ds and the 12yo have been drawing, too, and I've been reading to them from Prince Caspian.
And I'm totally at peace with this. :)
I'm apparently not alone in finding this week difficult to get going with. Others I know have expressed the same sentiment. We have such beautiful summer weather, it's hard to feel like it's September and time to begin school. Funny how we can be so tied to the seasons and weather without realizing it.
Regardless of weather next week, the kids know we will get started. I knew this week would be almost impossible, despite some attempt at goal. I'm eager to begin. The 15yo is, too, just not her math and social studies. ;) We're going to take her math nice and slow this year--she has a full year to finish what is usually a one-semester course--and I know she is very capable of being very strong in math, but fears block her and I'm going to tackle those things a lot. As Maria Montessori said, our duty is to remove the obstacles in the child's path and that is my main focus for her math this year. It's far more important to me that she lose the fear and gain mastery than it is to finish the textbook.
1 comment:
"As Maria Montessori said, our duty is to remove the obstacles in the child's path and that is my main focus for her math this year."
Excellent reminder!
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