Wednesday, June 13, 2007

So Many Good Books!

I've decided to put a list in my Homeschool Trackers for next school year's read-aloud books. There were a few I already had on my list, books we didn't get to this year, but I decided to go through the Alberta book lists and am finding a lot of books that sound just wonderful! I doubt I'm going to be able to read them all!!

Which books? Here's my list at the moment:

Lord of the Flies
Still Me
The Hobbit
I Am David
Hana's Suitcase
Number the Stars
Owls in the Family
Polar: The Titanic Bear
The Secret Garden
The Sheep-Pig
The Whipping Boy
Last book in Shadow Children's series
another book by the same author as the Shadow Children, on a girl who was cloned
A Tale of Two Cities

And I'm not done looking at the lists and I know there are books missing from that list that I'd thought of this year!

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