Friday, July 28, 2006

Montessori from the Start

I've got "Montessori from the Start" out from the library at the moment. I had taken it out some time ago and written down some notes to prepare things for when my niece, whom I look after, would be around 18 months old and older. Well, she's starting back on Monday and is about 18 months and I can't find my notes!

A word of warning to any potential parents with babies who are trying to follow Montessori and read this book: there are some things in it that many Montessori parents I know outright reject. I can't remember them at the moment but it is with some trepidation that I re-read parts of this book because there are some things in it that I find do not at all fit in with the Montessori model of respecting the child's 'natural laws' of development.

Anyhow, I'm going to have to speed through the sections in this book that I will be able to use in the near future since my niece will be back with me in 3 days!


Anonymous said...

First of all, this is a great blog and I appreciate you telling it how it really is.

As a parent who tried to be as Montessorian as possible(!), I did have some problems with Montessori From The Start. I don't remember specific details because I read the book a while ago, but I do agree that some Montessorians reject ideas presented in the book.

One Alberta Voice said...

Thanks for your feedback! I love having people leave comments. :)