I was thinking yesterday about how much I had fallen away from Montessori and it really bothered me. I considered root causes of changes in the past few months, knowing that my difficulty sleeping enough since the time change has certainly affected things since I'm not quite so mentally spry and flexible and all that when I'm too tired.
My thinking finally took me to a point of asking myself: What are you doing???? In a flash, I could see how everything was intertwined: my lack of sleep, my gradually taking charge more and more, their continual move away from work... I knew my highly structured plan was a mistake. If the 10yo fights everything I think she "should" do before next school year, how is that going to help her since she won't really be learning it well? If the 15yo's mind has really shut off math for now, is insisting she do some going to help? NO!
So today, a fresh start, even though there are 10 school days (including today) left. I am going to provide more things (including SOTW reading time, which I did yesterday and it was great; I also read some Shakespeare-related things and they loved it) and work with them. I'll sit down with the 10yo and talk to her about the different things that she could work on that would help her for next year and let her plan out some things. I'll sit down with the 12yo and talk about his reading, writing and math (I may still require some writing as it's something he will NOT willingly do! EVER!) I know he wants to do some science things, so I'm going to look over this little kit we have today and maybe do some. I'll sit down with the 15yo and talk about her math and what we'll have to do if she doesn't improve on some of the skills before school is out. Her main interest right now is actually studying for her learner's licence and that should probably be encouraged!!
Right now, though, I'm going to find a world map to print off so the kids can see where the teams they've been watching for the World Cup are from!
It feels good to be moving back on track!
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